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Мен Чо Рэйки
РэйкиСтатья из журнала Reiki Magazine подтверждающая отсутствие так называемых рукописей Усуи сенсея (so-called "Original Manuscripts of Dr. Usui") и определяющая Мен Чо Рэйки как : "Medicine Dharma Reiki" (which admittedly may be a genuine Buddhist Practice, but which we now know, is not a Form of Reiki, since there is no direct connection to any Reiki Lineage). (на англ.)

"Dr. Usuis Tagebücher" - a Spiritual Teaching
At the beginning of the year 2002 we, Jürgen Kindler and Oliver Klatt, decided to publish the German translation of the book "Medicine Dharma Reiki" under the title "Dr. Usuis Tagebücher". The Jürgen Kindler Publishing House acquired the German rights for book. We contracted for the translation and began the preparations for its production. Toward the end of 2002, after a long phase filled with difficulties related to the production of the book, well based doubts concerning the authenticity of the materials, which through repeated efforts to clarify them, could not be excluded, increased. In spite of financial losses for the J.K. Publishing House, we decided not to publish the book. Here Oliver reports on the events of the past two years concerning this book.

"In our world is error constantly servant and guide to truth. For error is in reality half truth, whose failure lies only in its limitation. Sometimes it is truth which disguises itself in order to come closer to its goal." Sri Aurobindo

As I took over the position of chief editor for the Reiki Magazin at the beginning of 2001, I saw the book "Medicine Dharma Reiki" from Lama Yeshe (Richard Blackwell) lying in the office. In edition 1/2001 we had just published the article "Die 14 Lebensregeln der esoterischen Reiki-Praxis" from Paula Horan, which dealt with information from this book.

I had just been initiated as Reiki Master by Paul Mitchell in the tradition through Hawayo Takata and it was clear to me that the analysis of the contents of this book would surely agitate some things. Periodically, I flipped through the book which was endorsed by an introduction from the well-known Reiki Master, Paula Horan. I read a few sentences here and there and saved for myself the complete lecture for a later time.

If everything contained in this book were true, it was clear to me that it would have a long standing influence on the worldwide Reiki scene in dimensions surpassing all others experienced up to this time. It would not matter if it came a year sooner or later. In relation to this, I also saw the fact that the English version of the book was published in India and not in Great Britain or the United States. As a result it was not so easy for us in the western world to acquire it. Perhaps, I thought, the Universe had that "extra" arranged in order to avoid a sudden dissemination of this book and the resulting "collective shock" in the world wide Reiki Community.

In autumn of 2001 I telephoned Narayan Choyin Dorje, Paula Horan''s life-partner, as well as Paula herself, regarding a further article which touched upon information originating from Lama Yeshe (Richard Blackwell). We spoke also about the book, "Medicine Dharma Reiki". I mentioned that I still had not read book, partly because it was so voluminous. Paula advised me to start with chapter 13 because it was the most interesting part of the book, presenting the true history of Dr. Usui summarized in a few pages. Shortly after that I took the book home from the office. I read chapter 13 and was deeply moved. I read, as it was called, "the original text from Dr. Usui", about his life, once, twice and then a third time. It was clear to me by that time, that if all of this were true, then the Reiki story must have been rewritten. I could bring the words which I read in harmony with the person Dr. Usui. Because it dealt with a translation from Japanese into English, it was clear that not every word was worth consideration. But on the whole, at that time it really felt to me, as though the words which I read came from the person whom I knew in the photo of Dr. Usui.

A few days later I related to J_rgen how much this text had impressed me. On the strength of this he also read from the book for the first time and seemed to be deeply impressed as well. In the time that followed both of us read the complete book. I devoured it in three days. J_rgen read it over a period of several weeks.

Just at that time we had a series in the Reiki Magazin: "Reiki - styles, forms, directions and ways of practicing". Together with the book from Lama Yeshe (Richard Blackwell) and through our contact with Narayan and Paula, lay apparently first hand information about a "Reiki Style" called "Medicine Dharma Reiki". Up to that time it was totally unknown in Germany. This information was presented by people, whose reputation in the world-wide Reiki scene was worth considering: Paula Horan, known personally by Jürgen, and Gorden Bell, with whom we had worked well together on the article about "Reiki Jin Kei Do". Spontaneously we cleared a space for Paula and Narayan in this series in order to report on Medicine Dharma Reiki and its origins. (Observation: It is our editorial principle that for the articles within the framework of this series we always give the first opportunity to write about the respective Reiki style to the founder, the officially appointed Grand Master of the described Reiki Style or persons authorized by them respectively. Narayan Choyin Dorje and Paula Horan were, according to a personal statement from Lama Yeshe (Richard Blackwell), who sees himself as the Lineage-Holder of "Medicine Dharma Reiki", authorized to write about it. We were happy about this first hand information.)

It was autumn 2001. Narayan and Paula searched, as we knew, for a publisher for the book, "Medicine Dharma Reiki". It happened that we had the opportunity to publish the first German translation of the pre-publication excerpt from the book. We did this together with the article: "Medizin Dharma Reiki - Dr. Usuis eigener Weg zur Universalen Lebenskraft" from Paula and Narayan (see Volume 1/2002) with the following addition: "We wish to point out that the scientific proof for the authenticity of the material is not yet available."

In early 2002 it was obvious that no other publisher was prepared to publish the German translation of the book. We decided to do that ourselves. From various aspects it was a risk. First of all we lacked the necessary advance financing for the project. In addition to that, at the beginning it was unclear whether or not, after so many books relating to Dr. Usui from Frank Petter, a market for more books about him actually existed. Possibly in this regard the market could already be satiated. The publication of a book brings with it other factors for a Magazine to consider as well.

Nevertheless we wished to take the risk, thereby not holding back the German publicity and the possibility for each person to form ones own opinion. So we made an effort to find a donor for the project. (Heartfelt thanks to those who have assisted us in this way.)

We commenced to master the necessary "know-how" for book production. From the very start it was clear that, should the proof of authenticity of the material still not be available when the book would be finished, we would point this out emphatically in a prologue. At no time did we intend to publish a book without producing proof of the authenticity of the material or without stating that it was not yet provided to us. Nevertheless at this time it was reported, according to Lama Yeshe (Richard Blackwell), that already within a short period, a do*****ent which would leave no doubt of its authenticity would be available.

Summer of 2002 arrived. We waited for the commissioned translation, with which as planned, the book could still appear before Christmas 2002. Meanwhile directly following our announcement of the book´s release in the Reiki Magazin, came the first serious and increasing clues from the Reiki Master Community, that the material was possibly unauthentic. Even though the arrival of these indications at a relatively late date understandably irritated us, (ultimately, from the publication of the first article on this theme, already one and a half years had passed) and at this time we could not exactly judge with which motivation these hints were forthcoming, from the very beginning we were open for every reference of this type. (Here thanks to all the persons who assisted us with such information.) In further developments and with ample time, we set an extensive investigation in motion. Through this we received indications from a source, which we then passed on to other experts and they sent us information in return. Surely with this method of sharing we were able to contribute the reality, that the question of the authenticity of the material would receive more attention within the world-wide "Medicine Dharma Reiki" Community

Meanwhile there were problems with the translator of the book. The person with whom we had contracted did not deliver on time. For the time being it appeared as though it might be only a short delay. Then, nevertheless, it was very clear that inspite of the advance payment, at this stage, we could forget the translation. First of all we received the news that the entire first part of the book which was translated, disappeared due to a computer crash. It could not be recovered. Then all contact to the translator, who at the time was abroad, was broken completely. What to do?

In the course of time, pushing energetically on, including much English correspondence as well as genuinely time-consuming investigation, it became apparent that actually, there was no person who had ever seen an original Manuscript on which the entire contents of this book was based. The only person who maintained this was Lama Yeshe (Richard Blackwell). J_rgen Kindler, in his capacity as his publisher wrote to him many times at various addresses from many sources and post addresses. In spite of a great deal of effort, J_rgen failed to establish contact with Lama Yeshe (Richard Blackwell). All efforts to achieve a personal connection with Lama Yeshe is until now unsuccessful.

Now the only person who ever saw the "Original Manuscripts of Dr. Usui" was the author himself whose book we prepard to publish in Germany. Evidently during this time he ignored us completely. In addition to that, all the persons, who according to assertions from the author and from Reiki Masters from this circle, had already produced the proof of authenticity of the material, had in the meantime died or are no longer traceable.

At this stage the situation which had developed made it as good as impossible to pursue seriously the publication of the book. As far as that goes, it was especially painful for us. Up to this time a great deal of money had flowed into this project. On the other hand, from the side of the Reiki Magazin readers, there was an immense demand for the book.

Meanwhile a second translator was commissioned. Fortunately she had just finished the translation of the preface only, when we received news from Paula Horan and Narayan Choyin Dorje. Within the world-wide "Medizin Dharma Reiki" community an incident occurred which as a result, the trust to Lama Yeshe (Richard Blackwell) was shattered, so that they decided to stop teaching "Medicine Dharma Reiki". Simultaneously Gordon Bell took all the information about "Medicine Dharma Reiki", which he had published on the Internet for many years, from his website.

In the course of this development it was clear to us, that through the resulting situation, there was no longer any basis to publish the book, "Dr. Usuis Tagebücher". So shortly before Christmas 2002 we sent a letter to several hundred people who had ordered the book in advance stating that the book would not at this stage appear.

We, Oliver Klatt and Jürgen Kindler, wish to apologize emphatically to all readers of the Reiki Magazin for the false information concerning "Medicine Dharma Reiki" and Dr. Usui, which for lack of exact verification, we printed in the magazine.
Furthermore, we wish to point out that all of the statements from Lawrence Ellyard about "Medicine Dharma Reiki" and Dr. Usui in the interview "Auf den Spuren von Dr. Usui" (see Volume 4/2002) are founded on information about which we now know many serious doubts exist.

In addition to this, we wish to request from our readers, indulgence for their attitude of anticipation regarding the planned release of the book "Dr. Usuis Tagebücher". We hope that they understand that, based on the hard facts already explained, unfortunately the book cannot be released.

In retrospect, the occurrences related to the so-called "Original Manuscripts of Dr. Usui" have proven to be a genuine didactic piece. The "Manuscripts" as well as the so-called "Medicine Dharma Reiki" (which admittedly may be a genuine Buddhist Practice, but which we now know, is not a Form of Reiki, since there is no direct connection to any Reiki Lineage), had evidently fulfilled two basic needs of the present world-wide Reiki-Community: in the first place, the need for a genuine perspective regarding the spiritual Reiki practice which many considered as having been too weakly developed; secondly, the need to have more authentic information about the person of the founder of Reiki, Dr. Usui.

In conclusion, there may be other sources, however small, for example, the inscription on Doctor Usui`s Memorial Stone (see the direct translation from the old Japanese into German in: Reiki Magazin, Volume 2/2003). There is no doubt as to its authenticity.

For the future, every individual must find a solution for oneself. A general overall, spiritual system, already bound to the roots of Reiki, like "Medicine Dharma Reiki" could have been, in any case does not appear in sight at the present.

Still one thing is certain: The truth lies again, not someplace "out there", rather like always, first and foremost, in ourselves.


Text: Oliver Klatt
Translation: Olivia Salazar
Разместил: Nadejda | Дата: 29.06.2004
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2004-10-27 23:39:55
Надежда, я давно разыскиваю ваш е-мэйл, когда то 3-4 года назад я с вами общался и к сожалению потерял ваш е-мыйл. У меня есть к вам один важный вопрос.
Мой адрес atma@inbox.ru

taisa2004-08-01 23:43:50
Хорошо бы по-русски.

Juliya2004-06-30 12:40:31
ее еще бы на русский перевести для коллег, не шибко понимающих по аглицки

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